Industry Leading Experts

Our Experts Have Industry-Leading Technical Skills

Our developers have mouth-watering skills profiles that you will not easily find elsewhere. This outcome is the product of our many years of deliberate cultivation of knowledge and talent. Here is how we do it.

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We Monitor the Cutting Edge

We have a passion for technical innovation and closely monitor industry trends and emerging technologies. We are not fad chasers, but we recognize that some technologies are hot for good reason, and we assess each technology on its merits.

We find the best technologies on the cutting edge so we can help you outshine your competitors.

More On Early Adoption

Early Adoption of Leading New Technologies

When we identify an important or impressive new technology, we begin to expose our team to the technology through carefully constructed training programs, in-house projects and other technical updates.

Being a technological leader takes effort and investment, but we do it so that you don’t have to.

Opportunistic Enrichment Of Skills

Opportunistic Enrichment of Skills

Our experts do not often get a break from working with our treasured clients because they tend to work with the same client for years. On the rare occasions when an expert finishes working with a client though, we take the opportunity to place them in intensive training and skills development programs to revitalize, update and expand their skills, with a focus on the latest and most useful technologies.

This intensive revitalization of skills creates a killer combination of heavy experience and up-to-the-minute skills which we can deploy on your projects.

Pre-Deployment Preparation

Comprehensive Pre-Deployment Training

We only employ people with outstanding skills (see World-Class Talent Search). However, since we require our team to have a skills repertoire that is far beyond the industry norm, people joining us from other companies typically have what we consider to be a relatively limited skillset. We address this by training and challenging these talented new team members – usually for months – to dramatically modernize and diversify their skillsets. Only then do we deploy them to work with our valued clients.

Each expert you hire will have a versatile current skillset which will give you more options and more ways to give your projects an edge.

Industry-Leading Experience

Experience: Three Times the Industry Average

We are privileged to have many of our talented team members stay with us for many years. We are also honored to attract many highly-experienced technology-loving experts to our team. Due to these factors, we have been able to build a team with an average experience level of over three times the industry average.

Experienced experts will deliver more bang for your buck through a combination of greater efficiency, deeper skills and the kind of wisdom that only comes through years of hands-on practice.

The Result: You Benefit

The Result: Every Expert Has Industry-Leading Technical Skills

We fervently pursue technical excellence through our passionate focus on the cutting edge, our World-Class Talent Search, a genuine commitment to continuous skills expansion through structured training programs and technical challenges, and the ongoing accumulation of experienced experts within our team.

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