Our World-Class Talent Search

We do the heavy lifting so that you don't have to do so.

We are seriously fussy about who we hire and how we on-board and train them. To make the right recruitment decisions, we use a rigorous multi-staged selection process involving our Indian and Australian teams.

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Step 1:
Basic application vetting

Our recruitment campaigns generate great interest and we receive a high volume of applications every day. Suitable applicants are invited to participate in the next stage of the recruitment process.

Step 2

Step 2:
Remote online test

At this stage, candidates complete an online test through which we measure important skills and learn more about the candidate’s background and career aspirations. Each test is scored and reviewed.

Unfortunately, many candidates do not make it through this stage, but those that do are invited for a more comprehensive proctored test.

Step 3

Step 3:
Proctored test

Candidates complete a detailed invigilated test that normally takes 1-2 hours. The test includes questions requiring free-form written responses such as hands-on coding challenges and customer service scenarios, as well as multiple choice questions on topics ranging from technical skills to logic and numeracy.

These tests are marked and scored by highly experienced staff in Australia. We set such high standards that only the select few pass this test.

Step 4

Step 4:

Candidates who have made it this far in the recruitment process attend several interviews either in person or via Zoom (or similar). There are up to three such interviews depending on the position applied for, including:

  • Technical interview
  • Human resources interview
  • Management interview
Step 5

Step 5:
Recruitment decision

Our senior international team collaborates to determine which candidates are the most suitable for hiring. If no candidate meets our strict standards, we return to the search. If there are suitable candidates, the best candidates are selected and employment offers placed. We have a high acceptance rate due to our competitive offers and strong reputation.

Step 6

Step 6:
On-boarding and training

We welcome the successful candidates to our team. Each recruit attends compulsory training in customer service, company values, our work structure, staff entitlements and so on.

Technical staff (developers, designers, system administrators, data scientists) then typically attend months of training before deployment because we aim for every one of our technicians to build cutting edge skills that leave the rest of the industry behind. Our training program includes substantial hands-on challenges which are reviewed by senior staff so that constructive feedback can be provided to further hone each technician’s skills.

Step 7

Step 7:

Once we have completed this extensive selection, on-boarding and training process, we proudly deploy these talented experts to work with you – our precious customers.

Step 8

Step 8:
Monitoring and Support

Our job does not stop at deployment. We continue to monitor and support the staff we assign to you. We have easily accessible internal escalation pathways if your staff member needs help at any time, and we are here for you as well if you ever have questions or need advice.

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